Rock Your Wings - Flying with Real ATC at SimVenture 2021

When the real-life AirVenture was cancelled at OshKosh last year, PilotEdge rose to the challenge and organized a virtual version of the event. What was particularly awesome is that they used the real-life OshKosh air traffic controllers for the virtual fly-in, and I was one of the virtual pilots. It was an awesome experience and I felt like I’d accomplished something flying the Fisk Arrival while getting direction from real-life ATC.

This year, PilotEdge did it again with SimVenture 2021. Last year X-Plane was my simulator of choice, but this year there is Microsoft Flying Simulator 2020. So, I climbed into my virtual cockpit and took to the skies to once again fly the Fisk arrival, rocking my wings over Fisk to let them know I’d heard them. Check out the flight below: